FaxPress WebHelp: Admin Guide > Appendices > Server Tree

Appendix: FaxPress File Server Directory Tree

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The following directories and files are installed on the FaxPress file server.


*.err, .log, *.bak — (ASCII) error/configuration reports



FaxPress diagnostic files



Directory of transaction logs for the year




\userid — subdirectory of personal phonebook files



faxpress.sys —operating system executable for hardware platform

faxpress.out — (fax) application executable for hardware platform

*.cfg — (ASCII) service configuration settings (includes jobqueue.cfg — optional boot-time job source specification)

*.log —(ASCII) service configuration status

jobqueue.log — confirmation (if booted with jobqueue.cfg)

*.fnt, *.fnl, *.fnp — standard HPLJII font files

coverpg — (PCL), corporate coverpage template

curjob — (binary) count of jobs



mboxid.dt — list of user mailboxes, personal coverpages, and phonebooks

\1xxxxxxx, \2xxxxxxx, \3xxxxxxx — subdirectory of mailbox files



qm.sav or qma.sav — list of jobs in queues

*.pcl — (ASCII/PCL/DCX) fax image source files

*.pcx — (PCX) rasterized fax page files

\jobs — directory of job records



Directory Microsoft Active Directory Services Interface installation. Can be downloaded from the FaxPress Installation CD.





Directory for the fax archive database



Directory of all archived faxes



Directory of loadable font files

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Last Updated: 9/12/2007

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